Matt G

Matt G

Date Posted: 16th January 2018

Posted by: Kelly Kettle


I once heard a speaker say that more alcoholics in (The Rooms) kill alcoholics, than alcohol does. The variety of opinions that come from sick people Distort the precise directions that are given to us. Want to go to the rooms, I was told to stick with the winners. The problem I faced there, was where are these winners? Well friends, it was all trial and error.


I learn things like clean time doesn't matter. It wasn't about counting clean time. It was about making your clean time count. We're a group of sick people trying to find solutions. What I learned was the solutions were in the book in right in front of me. Some of the sickest people I've met have several years stacked up. I learned how to trust, trust myself, and that no is a complete sentence. I learned how to spot the good talkers AND the walkers. I carefully watch people's feet outside of the rooms. At one time, I was one of those sick people infecting all those around me. I discovered that just as much damage can be done sober as an addiction.


Once I began working and living the steps, I quickly discovered exactly how this thing works. It is our job to carry the message not the mess. So before you steer the newcomer or anyone else for that matter, in any direction, ask urself if it is backed by experience or opinion. What works for one person can easily lead somebody else back out. It is our job to help our fellows understand the book and the steps.

Not to be running lives.


Carry the message folks, not the mess ?


Good Night Friends - I'm out.

Matt G.

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