Simple But Not Easy

What do you think of or how would you relate and describe the title above “Simple But Not Easy?” In my humble opinion this title is one way to describe recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction. Hopefully I can share why and some people can identify. I welcome anyone and everyone to chime in and give their opinion as well. Like many of you each morning I spend quiet time (no TV, computers or cell phones) today I began thinking about my own journey and how I was my worst enemy for nearly 30 years. (today I know my story is not unique) and ways I might compare what I was going through. I began thinking about a parents love for a child (I adored drinking and drugging for a long time.) I began to think about how many parents would nearly do anything for their child. (Could I have a co-dependent relationship with drugs and alcohol?) My experience for many years is I would do anything, even lie to myself to protect my relationship with drugs and alcohol & a few other things…. I started out with bias opinions and as the fear grew with thoughts of impending doom the delusion became greater. Something had to change! Graced with a moment of clarity “ I realized it was me! “ I was my own worst enemy. My command center was broken, my life was unmanageable. It was a start….. Please tell me someone else can relate!! lol

I laugh at myself because if you know me, my recovery one day at a time has been glacier slow through the years lol I have these sudden epiphanies and I write and sometimes share about them and later find these are things most people figure out in their first year of recovery….. Better late then never!!

I’ll keep coming back 🙂

Kelly K.

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