Wings of Encouragement – FB Pages & Blog

Hi Everyone!

Thank you All for being part of this page!!

Wings of Encouragement is here for All men and women, not only for those of us in recovery from addictions and our family members.

Worldwide we have similar challenges, we have common feelings and emotions and we often share common solutions.

This page is here to continue supporting one another with new opportunities as we share live speakers from around the country.

Being alone and feeling that no one will ever understand, is often the furthest thing from the truth.

Whether you have a loved one battling Cancer or you are having relationship problems. We hope and pray you utilize this page.

It may not sound like much of a life to find support and companionship, or be of service here on Facebook pages and groups, though after reading your comments and seeing the support that you show one another through the years I know with out a doubt you men and women help change lives and even help save lives on a daily basis.

My name is Kelly and I’m a recovering drug addict. I’ve been clean/sober now just over 15 years. I have no degrees or special skills, Im just a grateful, pretty average drug addict in recovery. I know there are many people on this page that are of more service and have much more clean/sober time then myself, and I encourage all of you to participate and continue to help and support one another and our family members on this page. I started opening and taking over Facebook groups and pages years ago and growing them by asking people from around the world send in written stories for everyone to identify with. I learned over time that not everyone wants to write or has the time to write for different reasons, though I still stayed with the dream that Facebook pages and groups could be even greater tools, (never a solution) I think you guys have finally taught me how these pages and real time global communication can be taken to another level of service. You all have been doing it since Facebook first started, that is supporting one another.

We all have experiences we have been through and when we see someone going through something we have been through good or bad we can identify to one another and nearly all want to be helpful or supportive when we are able to. It is making a difference in the world.

We come from all walks of life from all over the world, with different occupations represented and different economic and religious back grounds, though day after day I see people helping one another because we can all identify to the emotions and the feelings that trials and tribulations cause in our lives. One of the most important things I believe about social media is that a person nearly any where in the world has a choice NOT TO BE ALONE and a platform to be heard. It also gives many of us an opportunity to get out of ourselves, for some it may be the only chance.

So whether you lost a job or home, or lost your boy friend or girlfriend or you are drinking yourself to death in a Bel Air mansion or stuck in a crack house or speed den in any major city or chasing that dragon just trying to stay well. We can all identify to the Hopelessness – If you lost your child to addiction in Turkey or South America – the pain is the same as the mother or father who had lost their child in New Jersey or California, when we feel fear any where in the world we can all identify as human beings, and if its something we have walked through or we can identify with, nearly everyone wants to help.

It may not sound like much of a life to find support and companionship, or be of service here on Facebook pages and groups, though after reading your comments and seeing the support that you show one another through the years I know with out a doubt you men and women help change lives and even help save lives on a daily basis.

This is why we feel we are just scratching the surface on the way that real time global communication can be utilized and why we are asking for the public to get more involved with growing this page.

Kelly Kettle

people crowd walking on busy street on daytime
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